• Summary

    Take precision hydroponic farming to new levels of success with OASIS® AeroMax™ PlugTray singulated foam substrate. Designed specifically for hydroponic growers, this input-responsive automation-ready engineered substrate excels at supporting crops, climates, conditions and systems with lower water demand.


    Labor-saving, ready-on-demand OASIS® AeroMax™ PlugTray singulated substrate prevents root tangling during propagation, eliminates root breakage and damage during transplant, and encourages superior post-transplant performance.


    OASIS® AeroMax™ PlugTray is ideal for precision hydroponic propagation and production of lettuces, herbs and leafy greens in mild to moderate growing climates/conditions with lower water demand. (OASIS® AeroSelect™ PlugTray is recommended for spinach.)

    How-to Videos:

  • Features & Benefits

    • Maximum air-to-water ratio
      Suits moderate / temperate climates
      Crops / conditions with lower water demand

    • Unique open matrix technology
      Maximizes air-filled pore space
      Discourages algae, prevents overwatering

    • Ultra-low substrate density
      Uniform germination, rapid root penetration
      Uniform, unrestricted seedling growth

    • Faster, easier, cleaner transplant
      Clean, easy, damage-free extraction
      No transplant delay or shock

    • Clean, safe and inert
      Food safe, free of pests and pathogens
      Simplifies precision nutrient dosing
Item Code Product Description Dibble Type Dibble Depth Dibble Diameter Dibble Spacing
(L x W)
Plug Dimensions
(L x W x H)
87-74051 72CT OASIS® AeroMax™ PlugTray Singleseed 1 cm (38") 1 cm (38") 4.3 cm x 4.3 cm
(1 710" x 1 710")
3 cm x 3 cm x 4 cm
(1 35" x 1 35" x 1 35")
87-74052 72CT OASIS® AeroMax™ PlugTray Multiseed 1.4 cm (916")
87-74721 105CT OASIS® AeroMax™ PlugTray Singleseed 1 cm (38") 1 cm (38") 3.42 cm x 3.69 cm
(1 310" x 1 12")
2.65 cm x 2.65 cm x 4 cm
(1 125" x 1 125" x 1 35")
87-74722 105CT OASIS® AeroMax™ PlugTray Multiseed 1.4 cm (916")
87-74281 128CT OASIS® AeroMax™ PlugTray Singleseed 1 cm (38") 1 cm (38") 3.2 cm x 3.2 cm
(1 14" x 1 14")
2.5 cm x 2.5 cm x 4 cm
(1" x 1" x 1 35")
87-74282 128CT OASIS® AeroMax™ PlugTray Multiseed 1.4 cm (916")
NOTE: Units of sale are 28 trays per case/16 cases per pallet. If your operation would benefit from a configuration not shown here or you require customization, please contact your Technical Sales Representative.